Saturday, December 15, 2012

C'mon Get Happy

In the cusp of recent events, as well as the inspiration I've gained from many of my family and close friends over the recent months and even the past handful of years, as well as the handful of positive and useful self discoveries I've had, I've made a decision.  Life is too short.

No, that wasn't my decision.  It's a well known fact that life is short.  I've decided, based on the sum of that fact, along with the above referenced inspirations, that I'm going to be happy.  Not the husband and family of 3.14 kind of happy.  Not the bungalow house with the white picket fence kind of happy.  Not that there is anything wrong with those types of happies; they just aren't MY kind of happy.

Of course, I'm still young.  Virtually inexperienced.  How do I know what my type of happy is??  Well, I don't know, exactly.  But I do know, I'm not normal.  I don't wear normal fashions.  I don't follow normal trends.  I don't share normal points of views on politics and religion.  I'm sure I wouldn't hate the average house with the average family, but I wouldn't be HAPPY, and THAT'S what I've decided I want.

So as this year comes to an end, I've thought about small changes I can make to guide myself down the happy path in the year to come.  I'm hugging my children tighter.  I'm beginning bucket lists.  I'm volunteering more.  I'm trying new and different styles.  And I'm going to alter the direction of this blog.  I'm excited about these changes, and I'm confident that I, and my readers, will equally be entertained and satisfied. 

I'm determined to be nothing but happy by this time next year, and what better time to start than now?  I'd love to hear ideas and comments on what you might want to hear from me, as well as what your resolutions are coming into the new year. 

"People are just as happy as they make their minds up to be."  - Abraham Lincoln

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