Thursday, November 6, 2008

Communists Are People Too

I am so apalled, yet not surprised by the ignorance of the American people. When did a Democracy turn into a race war?? When did it become okay for anyone to take anybody else's Constitutional rights away?? As much as these ignoramus' talk big, over 60 percent of the votes for Obama came from white people, including myself. But what everyone doesn't know is that 2 generations up in my family were repressed because they were Native American. Not half. Not three quarters, but full blooded. And they were fighting for their rights to remain in their own land. Amazing. That's because white is right. Which, in turn, leads into white men being the only one's with any worthy opinions.

I've been reading many blogs and comments on all the political turns that came about as of the Fourth of this month. There are so many people going on and on about why California's Prop 8 should have had the outcome it eventually did have. And are you freaking kidding me????!!!! For one thing, if you are going to make a clearly blind, uneducated statement, at least spell your comments right. If you can't spell a four letter word correctly, you really shouldn't be allowed to vote. Secondly, at this point, if we are at will to decide who is allowed to have Constitutional rights, why do women work?? Why do women vote?? Why do women talk when they weren't spoken to?? A woman's place is in the kitchen and the bedroom. So please lets stick to what worked for so long. Change is overrated.

And as for a Black president....who'da thunk it?? Not too long ago, blacks were fighting for equal rights. Not straight blacks. Not gay blacks. Not transsexual blacks. No one even saw past the BLACK part. And now there is a black guy running this super power we call America. Shouldn't it take 3 black men to make up one white president?? NO. Because like a very intelligent man once said: "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that "All men are created equal" Equal. What a baffling concept. You mean to tell me because my skin is light and I have blond hair and blue eyes that I'm not any better than those guys?? You mean because I don't have a weiner, I'm no less obligated to my God given rights as anyone else?? Fooey!!

And now, since 50+ years have gone by and us ignorant white folks have gotten more and more comfortable allowing blacks (and other minorities) and women in our personal space, now we have to dig deeper. Now, to hell with the gays. Men, women, black, white. If you're gay you aren't worthy of the rights of us equals, ya hear me?! Because I wouldn't choose to do what you choose to do with your personal life, then you are banished!! Oh and by the way, if you're gay, you shouldn't be voting either. Or making the same salary as us straighties. And actually, you really should not be integrated with the rest of society because what if you start telling people things about being gay?? The someone might catch "Gaybella" and then there will be an outbreak, and then we'll just have to accept the Apocalypse has risen. And we all know God loves me more than you cuz I'm straight!! The alcohol, the occasional sex-out-of-wedlock, that's nothing...CUZ I'M STRAIGHT!! OOOOHAHAHAHAHA

So here's the tall and short of it all. I have no gay friends (that I know of). Family, no. I worked with a lesbian once, but even though it was blatantly obvious, she wasn't out because of fear she would be harassed or not accepted. (I don't know for sure, but I figure that's the only reason gays don't come out.) I have no vested interest in homosexuals. And, I believe in God. But I also believe that you can't just pass out rights to whoever you think is worthy and take rights away from those that aren't. Who are you anyways?? God?? All these people talk about how God wanted it and what God stands for, and then they act and think they are as good as Him?? Uh-huh. Last time I checked, that is not the "Christian" way. If there wasn't change there wouldn't be progress. I have the right to vote, to free-speech, to have my own religion, to drink wine all because someone who didn't have these rights before made an impact on someone who did. If these "high-and-mighty" Christians "allow" other religions to be practiced in the US, than why is choosing to have a sexual relationship with the same sex so wrong?? I'm not posting this to change anyone because the Good Lord knows even though I'm smart and work out, I can't make anybody be anything other than them. (I've failed miserably enough times!!) But please, practice what rights you've got still, because who knows when they'll be taken away.


Anonymous said...

When did religion become a part of our government? What happened to bring us your huddled masses? It angers me so much that the ideals that this country was built on mean nothing. There should be no "god" in politics.

Anonymous said...

As much as I agree with you about the separation between church and state, we all work our butts of to earn and then spend money the government prints that says "In God We Trust" on it. Unfortunately, God came before American Democracy. There will never be a complete separation, even though there should.