While I sit here contemplating whether to nap or blog, I'm unable to free my mind of the image of the little boy from London allowed to receive innumerable beatings from his mother and her boyfriend, until his unfortunate death. This hasn't been talked about here in the States much, but I've done extensive research on it, and I'm honestly haunted. How does anybody harm a child??
This baby was only 17 months old, and had already internalized the abuse of a lifetime. His entire life was
filled with punching, choking, kicking, biting, scratching...and it was all inflicted on him. A sadistic sorry excuse for a human being and her live-in again, disgusting piece of worthlessness called a boyfriend, and, (get this) HIS brother all took turns wailing on this child like some raggdoll given to them as a stress reliever. This poor baby's fingertips were cut off. He had 8 broken ribs. Knocked out teeth were found in his own colon. His bruises were covered purposefully by chocolate. Severe lacerations to his face and head. A broken back. And all of this being said, it was not enough for the police or government to remove this child permanently from this household. A household where human feces was painted on the walls. Where dogs roamed free to piss on any baby bottle or toy they so pleased. Where a 17 month old baby's mother laughed at her boyfriend breaking her own child's back. Where cigarettes were more important than a young life. What the hell is wrong with London???

With Social Services and doctors involved, this child could have been saved. Instead, he was pawned off to a "family friend" for a month until the baby's mother was released from one of her many stays in jail and then returned to his living hell. This brings me to my own country's retardation. We are spending billions and billions of dollars to bully another country into maintaining our condescending excuse for Democracy, who clearly don't want to adopt western ideals and are happy with the way their day-to-day is, and yet we sit back and ignore an obviously skewed take on American Social Services in our sister country. I don't get it. I don't understand why I turn on the news and watch yet another suicide bomber kill my brothers and sisters and never get the chance to learn about poor Baby Peter who is tortured by those who are supposed to protect him. It seems like it would be less expensive and more productive to spend our time and resources educating a country that is willing to listen to us about Child Protective Services and Social Services. It may help one of the four children killed in Britain a day by abuse. It just might save some precious baby's life, who just may pay it forward, and before we know it, society may actually become scrupulous again. We might actually have morals and boundaries. We might teach our little girls that they are worth more than the stripper poles they see in every rich teenage girl's bedroom on MTV. We might teach our little boys that they need to respect women and not just dine, do and ditch 'em like we see on practically every scripted television program. This tragic story of Baby P is just a branch on a huge tree of disarray and lack of moral foundation we call "Today's Generation."

I don't know what happened to values, but they just aren't being taught anymore. Now, it's cool for parents to drink and smoke pot with their tweens and teens. At least they're cool right?? And that's definitely all that matters. And then when drunk and wasted little Tracey has sex with the high, sad Joe Dirt wannabe neighbor Steve in good ol' White Trashville, USA and ends up giving birth to unassuming Peter Connolly, all the party sesh's with mommy and daddy really pay off. Tracey and Steven play War Sargeant and use all the cool fighting tactics they can only imagine are used in the fancy war games the kids in L.A. play on their PS2, as they take a toke from the bong and laugh like it wasn't real life. This is what's happening. This is real life. This is why I so never wanted to bring a child into this world, and now I have to do everything I can to teach Stinkyface that no matter how lame her peers will tell her I and my rules are, that she should maintain her morals and values. Why doesn't everybody feel the desperation of the situation?? Why isn't this front page news all the time everywhere?? Why aren't their shows about it on when TMZ is on?? Kids don't get it by themselves. Are we really going to sit back and allow fat losers to murder babies?? Is this really okay??

As a recap to the original story, everyone was cleared of murder somehow. They have been convicted with causing or allowing a baby's death, which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years. 14 years. You could practically get the same sentence if you don't pay your taxes for 17 months. No murder. And from what I've learned, its not a matter of London not being strict with their laws, but in fact being too strict to the point the people in charge are stretched too thin to be progressive. Whatever the reason, something has to change. I strongly urge everyone to get involved. I truly believe in the trickle down theory. A little help will trickle down to everyone eventually. Please make your life more worth it and help a child!!
What a terrible story! That poor child... I can only hope that he was numbed to the pain that was being struck upon him. It's a sad, sad world we live in.
This is horrible. I know this story is old but since I just discovered your blog, I want to add what my husband and I say about this. Our kids have enough friends, what they need are parents. I want them to grow tall, climb high, excell which means they need to reach up and I need to be up high to give them a hand and pull them up with me. I have faith that it is possible b/c I feel like my parents gave that to me. Parents can raise healthy morally strong children in this world! It just takes a lot of work, but I think it is worth it. Ambre
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